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Behind The Scenes With ERIE’s CAT Team

Behind The Scenes With ERIE’s CAT Team

Weather is unpredictable—but you don’t need us to tell you that. From a weather event as large as a tornado, to as common as a bad rain storm, weather can wreak havoc on your home, vehicle, and stress levels. But that’s why you have Erie Insurance, to help protect you from the aftermath of some of the nastiest weather occurrences. This past fall, North Carolina...

Can I Have As Many Life Insurance Beneficiaries As I Want?

Can I Have As Many Life Insurance Beneficiaries As I Want?

When you purchase life insurance, choosing your beneficiaries is a challenging yet crucial step in the process. Who to name as your beneficiaries is something only you can decide. You have the option to name more than one beneficiary, which can be accomplished by assigning a percentage of your life insurance benefits among two or more people on your application. There is no set limit...

How To Write A Meaningful Obituary

How To Write A Meaningful Obituary

“Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.” These words from Japanese author Haruki Murakami underscore a sobering truth – that all of our lives will one day pass. When losing a loved one, we often search for meaningful ways to honor their legacy. One great way to do this is by writing an impactful obituary. An obituary helps tell a...

Cargo Insurance Vs. Commercial Trucking Insurance

Cargo Insurance Vs. Commercial Trucking Insurance

Commercial carriers are required by law to have carrier liability insurance. Since this insurance provides limited coverage, and because cargo can be damaged in many different ways, most shippers request cargo insurance to protect their goods from damage, loss, or theft during transit. Commercial trucking insurance, on the other hand, is essential coverage for a business or owner-operator providing trucking services. What Is Cargo Insurance?...

10 Brilliant Camping Hacks For Your Next Trip

10 Brilliant Camping Hacks For Your Next Trip

Going camping doesn’t have to mean sacrificing the comfort. Although everyone’s version of “roughing it” is different, even the most primitive campers love to find ways to make the outdoors feel like home. One or two camping hacks can be the difference between a soggy, miserable trip and enjoying the sights and smells of the great outdoors. Everyday household items can save you time and...